The Search for Florence Craney’s Parents (Part 1)

As mentioned in the last post, Florence Anna (Craney) Ashburn died in 1923, and her husband Tom Ashburn not until 1934. In addition, they both lived close to my grandmother, who was born and grew up in Valentine, Cherry, Nebraska. While she was only 7 when Florence, or Annie, died, many of her aunts and … Continue reading The Search for Florence Craney’s Parents (Part 1)

Non-Conformists/Dissenters and Marriage in the 18th and Early 19th Century

Before carrying on with the Reeve and Houston families, here's a quick and simplistic detour into English marriage law, with a plan to elaborate on the legal stuff and non-conformists later. As noted in the prior posts, the Reeve family seem to have been longtime Non-Conformists, or Christians who were not part of the Church … Continue reading Non-Conformists/Dissenters and Marriage in the 18th and Early 19th Century

Immigration Law in the 1880s, ’90s, and Before

A consideration of the laws in place surrounding immigration and naturalization at the time the Westerlins came to the US requires a quick historical overview. Obviously, there were a variety of social and political responses to immigration, or particular types of immigration, to America at various times, dating back to before the US existed (and … Continue reading Immigration Law in the 1880s, ’90s, and Before